
Exchange with Phongpisut


First name Pele' 41039
Native country TH Thailand
Current country TH Thailand
Age 27
Gender Male
Native language EO Esperanto
TH Thai
Studied language EN English
FR French
KO Korean
RU Russian
ZH Chinese (Mandarin)
DE German
JA Japanese



Hello everyone, I am a Thai, love to learn languages.
Willing to exchange language learning with everyone
I can teach Thai for you.
I'm a tall man 175 cm.
Like girls wearing glasses
I am now 23 years old.
I have an interest in world history.
And like to eat chocolate and milk
Like to talk to good people
If you want to talk to me
Don't forget to say hello to me.

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First name Pele' 41039
Current country TH Thailand
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!