
Language communities


Brighton Language Exchange Group
Brighton, United Kingdom
Practice a language, make new friends in and around Brighton in a friendly, laid back atmosphere. No matter if you have just started learning a language and only want to listen or you are bilingual and want to keep practicing, we welcome all levels, all ages, from all countries! We've various events happening, meeting and chatting in pubs, evenings at restaurants, beer festivals, country walks, watching live music and dance and we're open to suggestions! See you soon! Every Thursday in 2024 from 8pm until 11pm. The Park Crescent Pub, 39 Park Crescent Terrace, Brighton, BN2 3HE.
Mundiñol - Intercambio de idiomas JA ES ZH
Barcelona, Spain
Nos reunimos cada lunes, miércoles y viernes para practicar japonés, chino, castellano y catalán. Son reuniones gratuitas y todo el mundo puede participar. 毎週、月曜日と水曜日と金曜日に、日本語、中国語、スペイン語、カタルーニャ語を練習するために集まっています。無料で誰でも参加できます。 Cada lunes 月曜日: 20:50 - 22:50 New Orleans Coffee & Tea : Pere d'Artés, 10, Barcelona Cada miércoles 水曜日: 20:30 - 22:50 Viena Calle Pelayo : Pelai, 16, Barcelona Cada viernes 金曜日: 21:15 - 23:30 Alex Bar Restaurant : Còrsega, 170, Barcelona En la pestaña "contacto" hay enlaces a nuestras páginas. Accede a esas páginas para conseguir más información. 詳しくは「連絡先」にある meet up のページを見てください。 Sobre nosotros 私たちについて -------------- 言語交換だけでなく、バルセロナ滞在を、短期間でも、数年間でも、永住でも、もっと楽しく有意義にするためのグループです。色々な相談もできます。 我们是一个由亚洲人和西语母语者组成的大家庭 Mundiñol, 我们来自世界各地。但每周我们都会聚在一起练习西班牙,加泰罗尼亚语,中文和日语哦。在语言交流会上,你可以认识很多来自拉美洲和欧洲各国的朋友!
MSA and Classical Arabic
Practiced languages :  Arabic
This group is for people interested in Modern Standard Arabic(MSA) and Classical Arabic(fus7a). I intend to use this group as a place to help people get better at spoken and written Arabic (in MSA) and to learn about Classical Arabic via classical texts (like the Hadith and Quran and old Arabic poems). Please note that there will be an element of religion involved (the Quran and Hadith are primary Islamic texts), so if religion/Islam feels alien to you, it is better to find an Arabic community suited to a dialect. The activities of this group will include: - online meetups to speak MSA - streaming cartoons/movies that have MSA dialogue - any other suggested topic to help improve speaking/writing/listening We also have a Telegram channel now:
Nublado Language Exchange
Nubladoville, USA
Practiced languages :  English, Spanish
Note: Everybody is welcome, but this group is intended for NATIVE speakers of English or Spanish. Hola a todos. Los invitamos a nuestro grupo de intercambio inglés/español. Ahí practicamos con texto y audio, cometemos errores, y nos ayudamos mutuamente con las correcciones. Este es el enlace de invitación.
Online Language Exchange Events
Hello! I am looking for interesting events to practice languages. I am sharing here online language exchange events that may be interesting. If you find any other interesting events as well, let me know! 😉 Enjoy!
Online Language Courses
Hello! I am looking for interesting courses to learn languages. I am sharing here some language courses that may be interesting. If you find any other interesting classes as well, let me know! 😉 Enjoy!
Japanese Language Exchange Events
Practiced languages :  English, Japanese
Hello! I am looking for interesting events to practice languages. I am sharing here Japanese-English language exchange events that may be interesting. If you find any other interesting events as well, let me know! 😉 Enjoy!
Italian Language Exchange Events
Practiced languages :  Italian
Hello! I am looking for interesting events to practice languages. I am sharing here Italian language exchange events that may be interesting. If you find any other interesting events as well, let me know! 😉 Enjoy!
Chinese Language Exchange Events
Practiced languages :  Chinese (Mandarin)
Hello! I am looking for interesting events to practice languages. I am sharing here Chinese language exchange events that may be interesting. If you find any other interesting events as well, let me know! 😉 Enjoy!
Russian Language Exchange Events
Practiced languages :  Russian
Hello! I am looking for interesting events to practice languages. I am sharing here Russian language exchange events that may be interesting. If you find any other interesting events as well, let me know! 😉 Enjoy!