
Exchange with Jdario26


First name Dario
City Cartagena
Native country CO Colombia
Current country DE Germany
Age 31
Gender Male
Native language EN English
ES Spanish
Studied language DE German



My name is Dario, I am Colombian and I am a German student since 4 months.
I am 25 years old. I'm looking for people who I can practice my German with, and also new people because I'm new in Germany.
I speak also spanish as mother language, english.
My hobbies are listening to music, playing guitar and watching sports.
I like to learn languages.

Ich heisse Dario, Ich bin Kolumbianer und ich bin ein Deutsch Student seit 5 monate.
Ich bin 25 Jahre alt.
Ich Spreche Spanisch, Englisch und ein bisschen Deutsch.
Meine Hobbies sind Musik hören, Guitarre spielen und Sports sehen.
Ich mag Sprachen lernen.

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First name Dario
City Cartagena
Current country DE Germany
Native language EN English
ES Spanish
Studied language DE German
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