
Brazil Language Exchange

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  3. 🇧🇷 Brazil


He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
I study business, I speak portuguese and I want to practice english.
She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Eu sou brasileira, enfermeira. Cansada da pandemia resolvi mudar meu foco e aprender inglês e conhecer novas culturas e também pessoas para conversar.
She speaks :  Other
She looks for :  English language exchange
Sou brasileira e quero aprender inglês. Procuro pessoas que possam me auxiliar neste aprendizado, bem como estou à disposição para quem deseja aprender Português (Brasil).
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Oi meu nome é Renan, sou estudante de tecnologia e atualmente meu único idioma é português-BR porém com um pouco de conhecimento em inglês, oque eu gosto de fazer é desenhar, estudar, assistir séries e jogar um pouco e algumas outras coisas. Estou aqui para aprender e também ter novos amigos, tenho discord , whatsapp .
She speaks :  English
Hi. If you want to help me, I'm studying by myself French, Italian, Japanese and Russian, I'll be grateful and if you want to learn Portuguese or English I can help you too.
She speaks :  Amharic
She looks for :  Avaric language exchange
Feliz 🙂
Hey there💫 I'm looking for a language exchange. I can teach you Portuguese. Feel free to text me😇
She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  English language exchange
My name is Aline. I've been studying English since 2012. Though I'm good at reading and writing, I have some problems about my speaking and my listening that I wish I coud improve. And I can also help someone else to practice my mother language, which is Portuguese. So if you think you can help me and I can help you in return, please contact me
She speaks :  Portuguese
Hello, my name is Rayana, I'm 14 years old and I love Korean culture, I'm always studying and trying to learn more, I like kdrama and kpop and the country. I want to learn to speak Korean and go on exchange