
Osasco Language Exchange

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  3. Osasco


She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello! I'm Cynthia :) I need speack english to work and travel
She speaks :  Portuguese
Tenho 53 anos e sou solteira, por isso mesmo, posso viajar com certa facilidade (dependo apenas de ter dinheiro (rs)). Sou aposentada, mas tenho um negócio como autônoma: Design de Interiores. Falo o básico de inglês, francês e espanhol. Gostaria muito de aprimorar o inglês para facilitar a minha comunicação em viagens. Amo viajar, ler, ir ao cinema, artesanato e decoração. Leio muito sobre a cultura de outros países e já tive vontade de morar fora, hoje, não tenho mais.
He speaks :  Portuguese
Hello, My name is ADRIANO OLIVEIRA and I live in in Brazil. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study German, Spanish, French, Italian and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  Japanese language exchange
Hello, My name is John Maicon. I'm 28 years old and I live in in Brazil. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese. I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Olá, Sou Rodrigo Baroni, Tenho 21 anos Sou Desenvolvedor de aplicativos para telefone. Falo português e estou aprendendo o inglês. Gosto muito de viajar, jogar video game, sair com os amigos e afins.
He speaks :  Portuguese
hi, i'm Igor, i have 18 years old, and i'm living in Brazil. i'm search people to talk and learn better the english and japanese.I''m like to watch animes, listen songs, games and play guitar.I would like make friends out of the Brazil tooand i'll be happy to teach who search to learn the Portuguese.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hi! I'm Alexandre I need your help to learn English and help you with Portuguese from Brazil.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hi, I'm Rafael and I'm Brazilian. My English is not so good. I practiced alone for almost 1 year. I would like to find a partner or partner to help me and improve my terrible english I can help anyone who wants to practice the Portuguese See you!!!!!!..... ✌✌✌✌