
Exchange with Yuri513


First name yuri
City New York
Native country CN China
Current country US USA
Age 24
Gender Female
Native language ZH Chinese (Mandarin)
Studied language EN English



Hi, My name is Yuri. I'm from Chongqing, China. it's a mountain city famous for hotpots and beautiful night views. you can also find delicious spicy food there. And if you like spicy food and spectacular views, it's an excellent place to travel to. I have a bachelor's degree in landscape architecture. My interests are photography, drawing, and meditation.
(I also like trying new things, I used to try surfing, bungee, and diving.)
My English is not that good, I’m still learning. I'm really looking forward to studying with someone and exchanging language skills.

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First name yuri
City New York
Current country US USA
Native language ZH Chinese (Mandarin)
Studied language EN English
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