
Exchange with Lucasleitao


First name Lucas Leitao
City Fortaleza
Native country BR Brazil
Current country BR Brazil
Age 32
Gender Male
Native language PT Portuguese
Studied language FR French
EN English


Instagram XXXXXXX


Hi, I'm trying to improve my English and French skills, because I intend to live abroad, to know other cultures, places and people, and I study Philosophy/Antropology (Masters dissertation was about War on Drugs, Colonialism, State Racism). I'm willing to help somebody who wants to learn Portuguese and knows Brazilian Culture, specially the music (I'm really fancier of many genres of music, from many countries, but I guarantee that Brazil is unique concerning music), BUT I CAN HELP YOU WITH ENGLISH OR FRENCH. As you can see, I'm not a native speaker but I've been studied EN/FR for a couple years, I'm in a advanced level and quite open to learn, teach and help. If you're a native, obviously, I won't be that helpful, however if your English or French are not fully fluent, I guess that we can get better together :P I can spend hours talking about Music (Black/Death Metal, many genres of Rock, Reggae, Soul/Funk, MPB, etc), but I'm also into Politics, Cuisine, Health, Growing weed (I'm judicially authorized to do it), Series (mainly anime and manga), art, existential stuff and bullshit too (lol). Feel free to contact me^^

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First name Lucas Leitao
City Fortaleza
Current country BR Brazil
Native language PT Portuguese
Studied language FR French
EN English
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