
Exchange with Akihabara


First name YOU
Native country JP Japan
Current country JP Japan
Age 48
Gender Male
Native language JA Japanese
Studied language HE Hebrew
EN English



Hello everyone. I'm YOU from AKIHABARA-TOKYO. Live with wife and daughter.
Would you like to take turns teaching each other Japanese & English for 20,30 minutes?

I'll show you what kind of shops or stores you can find while strolling around AKIHABARA on my days off in spare time.

わたし は とうきょうのあきはばら に すんでいます。
もういちど えいごのべんきょう を したいです。
ぼこくご が えいご の あなた! Shall we language exchange?

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First name YOU
Current country JP Japan
Native language JA Japanese
Studied language HE Hebrew
EN English
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!