
Belgorod Language Exchange

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  3. 🇷🇺 Belgorod


She speaks :  Russian
She looks for :  English language exchange
I am Anna.I am 29 year. I from Russia. I live in Belgorod. I am medical representation. I work in Japanese company. I studied in the Belgorod state the University 7 year ago. My specialty is pharmacy. Id like to travel around the world. I want to visit to France and Germany very much. I want to see a Eiffel tower and I want to visit a Louvre. I want to speak English correctly and fluently. I like read different books, draw different pictures and watch movies.
She speaks :  Russian
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello! My name is Lubov. I am an English teacher. My English level is C1 (Advanced). I'm here to polish my English, find new friends, learn something new, broaden my horizons, and exchange not only languages but also cultures, life experiences and positive energy. It's so exciting to discover the world of other cultures, to find differences and matches. It is the differences that help you to understand and appreciate your own culture more deeply, while you rejoice at every match you find, like an old friend. This is the moment when you realise that, despite the difference in mentalities, we are all the same with all the troubles and joys: the people of planet Earth 🌏 I am open-minded and friendly, and a good listener as well. So feel free to contact me. I would help you with great pleasure to practice Russian. Привет, путник, идущий по трудной дороге изучения русского языка! Ты уже на пол пути? Тогда ты герой!! Только начал путь? Ты дважды герой! Не побоялся, молодец! Очень труден и непредсказуем этот путь, много подводных камней там. Позволь помочь тебе. Вместе веселей. P.S. Btw, could anyone tell me why language exchange sites are mistaken for dating agencies, while dating agencies are mistaken for free cleaning and cooking agencies?... Just can't stop wondering... 🤔
She speaks :  Russian
She looks for :  English language exchange
Меня зовут Варя. Учу английский для того чтобы сделать себе хорошую карьеру, возможно карьеру модели. Хобби- обожаю читать, слушать музыку, занимаюсь танцами. Танцами я занимаюсь 8 лет). Также у меня есть маленькие хобби . К примеру украшения чего либо, то ли стакана то ли комнаты.
She speaks :  English
She looks for :  Spanish language exchange
Привет! Меня зовут Екатерина. Давно начала изучать испанский, но нет языковой практики. Я преподаю французский и английский, люблю плавание, воспитываю двух замечательных уже взрослых детей! Сейчас живу в Белгороде. Буду рада языковому обмену!
She speaks :  Russian
Hello :3 My name is Mila, I'm from Russia. I would like to learn the above languages and just chat. I would also like to hear about the country itself. You can suggest your own language for learning if it is not on my list :P I know a little English and Spanish, but I have a very small vocabulary. And the pronunciation of English is just terrible :") In return, I can help you with the Russian language and we can just have fun! I prefer to communicate with women.
She speaks :  Russian
She looks for :  English language exchange
Привет! Хочу научиться свободно разговаривать на английском языке. Желаю, чтобы собеседник был общительным, честным и грамотным человеком. Давай познакомимся?)
She speaks :  Russian
你好, 我的名字Ksu。我十七岁了和我来自俄罗斯。 我从二零二二年六月十四好开始学中文。 我知道如何" 象棋‘’。 I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.
She speaks :  Russian
Привет! Меня зовут Арина, мне 14 лет. Я живу в России и хотела бы изучать английский, китайский(мандарин) и французский. Я могу также обучить вас русскому языку. Я занимаюсь волейболом и обожаю рисовать читать книги и слушать музыку.
He looks for :  Russian language exchange
Hello, My name is Aklafen. I'm 26 years old and I live in Belgorod, in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Russian. I'd be happy to help you to learn French and Sign Language (Morocco) in exchange.
He speaks :  Turkmen
He looks for :  Russian language exchange
Hello, My name is Eziz. I'm 25 years old and I live in Belgorod, in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Russian. I'd be happy to help you to learn Turkmen and Turkish in exchange.
She speaks :  Russian
She looks for :  Korean language exchange
Hello, My name is Dasha. I'm 16 years old and I live in Belgorod, in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Korean. I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.
She speaks :  Russian
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hi, my name is Alyona.🙂 I'm from Russia.🤍 I'm learning English and another langiages to communicate with everyone
She speaks :  Russian
Hello, My name is Alina. I'm 25 years old and I live in Belgorod, in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study German and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.
She speaks :  Russian
Я очень хочу научиться говорить на английском и арабском языке. Я закончила университет Международных отношений, по специальности "Регионоведение стран Востока". Могу помочь обучать русскому взамен на арабский и английский.
She speaks :  Russian
Я русская, живу в России, изучаю Китайский. Занимаюсь спортом. Ищу носителя, Китайского языка для взаимного обучения.
She speaks :  Russian
She looks for :  Korean language exchange
Hello:) I am 18 years old, I want to learn Korean, I will be glad to new acquaintances for communication and language exchange ~ I will be glad to help in learning Russian ☺ I’am enjoy of shooting landscapes and subject survey ^^
She speaks :  Russian
She looks for :  Korean language exchange
Hello, My name is Таня. I'm 17 years old and I live in Belgorod, in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Korean. I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian in exchange.
She speaks :  Russian
Меня зовут Анастасия, живу в России, мне 43 года. Закончила факультет иностранных языков:французский и английский. Более 20 лет не имела практики, сейчас есть время на то, чтобы вспомнить языки, помогу вам в освоении русского языка. Пишите, отвечу всем!
He speaks :  Persian
He looks for :  Russian language exchange
Hello, My name is Hasibullah. I'm 22 years old and I live in Belgorod, in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Russian. I'd be happy to help you to learn Persian in exchange.
He speaks :  Russian
He looks for :  English language exchange
Юрист, спорт, музыка, комьютер. Русский, английский