
Barcelona Language Exchange

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  3. 🇪🇸 Barcelona


He speaks :  Catalan
I'm Adrián, a 22-year-old law student from Barcelona. My life's like a courtroom drama, but with more gym and less order. Aiming for C1 in English because, let's face it, "objection!" sounds cooler in English. When I'm not hitting the books, I'm arguing about politics with a stranger or chasing a videogame. Barcelona's my playground, law's my game, and English? My next big win. Let's make it interesting! Also I would love to learn Russian or Swedish, because of yes!
She speaks :  Catalan
She looks for :  Swedish language exchange
Hello, My name is Ruby, I’m 27 years old and I’m living in Barcelona. I’m a psychologist trying to learn Svenska. I would like to help you with your Spanish and Catalan.
He speaks :  Korean
I'm Eunchong Park who come from korea, seoul. Now I live in Barcelona, because of the exchange student pro' I want to learn Spanish and English. I have studied Spanish from 2022, so I can read Spanish and speak little bit. And I can teach you Korean. If you want to learn korean, contact me.
He speaks :  Korean
Hello I'm Giyong. :) I'm from South Korea, but I currently live in Barcelona, Spain for my work. I used to live in Finland before I came for my Masters. I work as a designer and I use English for work, but I feel I need to learn Spanish to survive in Spain. I'd love to make new friends who could help each other! I like design, travel, football, watching movies or series, music, or reading too. So, if you are studying Korean now please feel free to contact to met and let's do exchange languages! Also If you are studying English and learning together this is also nice idea! Do not hesitate to message me and let's discuss what we can do for both of us! :)
She speaks :  Catalan
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Yolanda and I live in Barcelona, in Spain. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Catalan and Spanish in exchange.
He speaks :  Catalan
He looks for :  German language exchange
Ich suche jemand, der in Barcelona Spanisch/Katalanisch lernt und sich persönlich treffen möchte, oder jemand, der über Discord chatten möchte. Mein Deutschniveau ist einfach. Ich habe die Stufen A1 und A2 gelernt, aber das ist schon lange her.
He speaks :  Catalan
My name is Toni, i'm from Terrassa, near to Barcelona (Spain). I am delighted to find this site and I'm interested to meet people with the common concerns for learn languages. I want to get involved in this community for improve my English, it once and for all, and my French. I can to help people who may be interested learn or improve your Spanish or Catalan. I can communicate in Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese and French
He speaks :  Catalan
Me llamo Ferran, soy de Barcelona y quiero practicar el inglés (también aprendo japonés) para ganar fluidez. ¿Me ayudas? Yo te puedo ayudar con el español y/o el catalán.
He speaks :  Spanish
Hi my name is Manuel. I am 62 years old. I am currently studying the Second course of the MSA Arabic language at the Official School of Languages ​​in Barcelona. I can exchange Spanish for Arabic. I have worked in international banking and I have university studies. I live in barcelona. My hobby is traveling around the world
She speaks :  Spanish
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hola, nací en Rusia, pero vivo la gran parte de mi vida en España. Tambíen vivi unos años en Argentina. Soy bilingüe. Quiero practicar mi ingles. Tengo el nivel B2. Solo para intercambio con gente nativa. Gracias. Hello. I want practice my English with native people. Tnank you.