
Porto Velho Language Exchange

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  3. 🇧🇷 Porto Velho


He speaks :  Spanish
Soy un Venezolano de 43 años de edad, casado hace 8, ingeniero de sistemas de información con hobbies como la fotografía, la música y la cocina.
She speaks :  Portuguese
Estou busca de aprender Inglês. Pretendo viajar para conhecer Nova York e gostaria de aprender o idioma antes de chegar là.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Interesse em aprender inglês e disposto a ensinar português (Brasil)
He speaks :  Portuguese
hello everyone my name is flavio and i started to studying english, is very hard for me but it's okay, i can speak a little bit english. こんにちは僕は一年間ぐらい日本語を勉強しています。僕が住んでいる街に日本語を練習したい人があまりいませんから、良かったら僕と日本語で(英語もいいです)話してくださいね。いつでもポルトガル語の勉強手伝いますよ LINE and KAKAOTALK also i play vrchat
He speaks :  Kashmiri
He looks for :  English language exchange
im from Brasil. i need learn English. Can you help, ?