
Joinville Language Exchange

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He speaks :  English
こんにちは、私はブラジルの大学の先生。日本語が大好きです。ちょっと日本語を勉強しています。ポルトガル語は母語です、英語もいい話します。I'm looking for penpals for language exchange. I like eastern culture, computers (my major is computer science), aikido, music. Feel free to write me! よろしくお願いします。
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
HI, I'm Bruno Carvalho, i Brazil - Joinville city. I speak Portuguese and need to practice English
She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Letícia and I live in Joinville, in Brazil. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.
She speaks :  Portuguese
Olá, me chamo Julia e tenho 18 anos de idade. Sou formada no ensino médio e quero conhecer o mundo, e pra isso ter o conhecimento de outras linguas irá me ajudar e espero poder ajudar você também!
I am a business man lived in the usa many years now I live in brazil I export furniture I enjoy traveling and meeting interesting people I want to learn Russian spend 6 month in Russia
She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  English language exchange
I want to improve my English and also help you with the Portuguese.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Olá, me chamo Wellington sou desenvolvedor de aplicativos e sistemas web. Estou em busca de aprendizado e aperfeiçoamento na língua inglesa. Gosto de assistir filmes, esportes, fazer minha caminhada e corrida matinal.
She speaks :  Portuguese
OI meu nome é Mariana. Estou procurando alguém para poder treinar meu inglês e ganhar conhecimento de nativos, em troca posso ajudar e ensinar Português. Gosto de ler e assistir séries e filmes. Fique a vontade para me mandar uma mensagem e podermos conversar.
She speaks :  Portuguese
Hi, my name is Sofia, I'm 13 and I'm looking for some help with my english. I like to play some games, not online ones, but I wanted. I like to play acoustic guitar and sing, now I just realized that I don't do so much activities, but anyway, move on. I want to improve my english 'cause i'm not so confident when I have a conversation in english, like, in person, and I can't listen and understand very well when I watch videos, for example. I also wanted to learn korean, but the highlighted one is the english. ps: I can teach Portuguese in exchange, obvious. i think is just that. see you
She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hey! I am Brazilian, so my native language is Portuguese. And I am studying English! If you want to learn about Brazil and Portuguese, I can help you!
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
I am Alan, I live in Brazil, I speak Portuguese and I want to learn English to travel, meet people and read untranslated books in my native language. I can help you learn Portuguese from Brazil.
He speaks :  Spanish
Eu sou uma pessoa que sonha e busca aprender sempre, como dizem meus pais, conhecimento é a única coisa que não podem tirar de você. Entrei aqui pra aprender, fazer amizades e conhecer novos costumes e tradições diferentes. No momento apenas trabalho e estudo para poder ter uma vida melhor financeiramente e realização pessoal é isso que busco aprendendo novas línguas e novos idiomas, me agrega como aprendizado e também como novas formas de buscar novos horizontes. Eu gosto como hobbie músicas, tenho um gosto particular por musicas latinas e musicas em inglês, gosto de caminhar ao ar livre para pensar e as vezes esvaziar um pouco a mente, gosto também de comer sem exageros, aprender sempre é o que busco, conhecimento e ser uma pessoa melhor sempre. Nem sempre dá pra falar tudo, mas esse é um resumo sobre mim. Falo em Português Brasil, Espanhol; tenho interesse principal em aprender inglês, italiano, francês e outras linguas também.
She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  English language exchange
My name is Mirian and I'm 22 years old. I want to learn English to do an exchange.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Henderson Rodrigues and I live in Joinville, in Brazil. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.
She speaks :  English
I'm interested in cultural exchange. French is my favourite language and I've been studying it for a while. I'm also looking forward to improve and learn more German and Spanish. By the way, I'm really into music, books, movies and series. I like to play tennis and nowadays I'm
He speaks :  Portuguese
Olá! Meu nome é Alexandre Lima. Sou Professor e Engenheiro, gosto de ciências, matemática, história, conhecimento de uma forma geral. Sou vegetariano estrito (vegano). Vamos conversar?
He speaks :  Portuguese
hello, im 19 years old now, I really love learn languages and I wanna now learn english and italian and i wan to talk with someone e have a good conversation!
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
I'm Theo. I have been learning English , but i feel that i need to improve my English and i would like to help with Portuguese that is my native language. I want to make new friends , answer questions about Brazil Culture and i want to know more about other cultures.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
My name's Flavio, I'm business administrator. Actually I'm working with IT. I'm developer in OpenEdge Progress, Java and C#. I like to study, to practice languages and to aquire new skills.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hi, my name is Ronison and I'm 26 years old. I'm Brazilian and I'm looking for someone to practice English. I want to improve my vocabulary to live abroad.