
Luanda Language Exchange

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  3. 🇦🇴 Luanda


He speaks :  Portuguese
Hello, My name is Uziel and I live in Luanda, in Angola. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study French and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Aristides. I'm 23 years old and I live in Luanda, in Angola. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Chamo-me Maurícia tenho 22 anos, procuro pessoas para aprender coreano, mandarim, japonês e tailandês em troca ensino português. Vivo em Angola, que fica no continente africano. Me registei por que quero, aprender línguas novas, e conhecer novas pessoas. Fazer amizades além fronteiras. Espero encontrar pessoas que sejam amáveis e que busquem os mesmos objetivos que eu☺️ ou não 😂😅
She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  Spanish language exchange
She speaks :  Portuguese
嗨,我是 Andreia,我正在寻找以中文为母语的人。你可以和我一起练习中文,作为回报,我和你一起练习葡萄牙语!给我发消息,让我们开始交谈和互动,以提高我们的目标。Hi, I'm Andreia, I'm looking for native Chinese (Mandarin) speakers. You can practice Chinese with me and in return I practice Portuguese with you! Send me a message and let's start talking and interacting in order to improve our goals. Olá, sou Andreia, eu procuro falantes nativos em Chinês (mandarim). Você pode praticar chinês comigo e em contra partida eu pratico Português com você! Envie-me uma mensagem e bora começar a falar e interagir de maneira a melhorar nossos objectivos.
He speaks :  Japanese
私は仕事でアフリカに住む日本人で、台湾が大好きで最近台湾華語を勉強し始めました。ポルトガル語、英語、韓国語も出来ます。趣味はスポーツでボルダリング、ビーチバレー、テニス、スノーボード、また、旅行や美食も関心があります。まだ初級ですが、一緒にオンラインで勉強出来ればと思います。 I’m Japanese who lives in Africa for business. I love the Taiwan, that’s why I started to study Taiwan Chinese. I also speak Portuguese, English and Korean lungage. My hobby is bouldering, beach volley, tennis, and snowboard, also interested in travel abroad and fine gastronomy. Still basic level, but I would like to study it together.
She speaks :  Portuguese
Hi my name is catia, I'm a student my hobbies are listening to music and reading
He speaks :  Russian
Greetings, everyone! I've been dedicating time to learning English, and I'm eager to connect with individuals for some conversational practice to improve my speaking skills. I firmly believe that acquiring another language is highly advantageous for everyone, as it enables us to engage with a broader community and gain insights into different cultures. Please don't hesitate to reach out and initiate a conversation.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Epifanio Muhongo. I'm 26 years old and I live in Luanda, in Angola. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.
She speaks :  Portuguese
Sou a diomar uma jovem que gosta de animes, ama comer e aprender ,
Hello! My name is Michael, I was born Germany but I left when I was child. I am a polyglot and I like to communicate in several languages. I am looking for a partner in order that we can practice the languages ​​mentioned in my profile. I want practice mainly German because I have almost forgotten everything and I am studying it again. I am also available to help master other languages. Salut! je m'appelle Michael, je suis né en Allemagne mais je suis parti quand j'étais enfant. Je suis polyglotte et j'aime communiquer en plusieurs langues. Je recherche un partenaire afin que nous puissions pratiquer les langues mentionnées dans mon profil. Je veux pratiquer principalement l'allemand car j'ai presque tout oublié et je le réétudie. Je suis également disponible pour aider à maîtriser d'autres langues.
He speaks :  Spanish
Quero aprender para ter conhecimeto
He speaks :  Portuguese
Hi, My name's Jacinto I'm 23 year old and I'm looking for partner to practice English.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hi Goes, my name is Bernel Mingas, I´d like to share my idiom with someone who speaks ingles
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is jose nazareth. I'm 20 years old and I live in Luanda, in Angola. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Olá !! Sou o António, Gosto de ingles Falo portugues estou aprendendo ingles .Sou estudante de ciencias fisicas e biologicas
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
oi meu nome é anderson tenho 20 anos,estou aprendendo inglês a pouco tempo mas pode me chamar a qualquer hora hi my name is anderson i'm 20 years old, i'm learning english for a short time but you can call me anytime
She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Olá pessoal eu sou a Buguy3, e é um prazer fazer parte desta família. Espero poder aprender muito convosco e nos tornamos bons amigos.
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Danilo and I live in Luanda, in Angola. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.