
Email Language Exchange

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He speaks :  Macedonian
As you can see, I am an avid language learner. It would be great to practice any of my languages with you, it would be a real honor for me to learn your language through our penfriendship. It would be great if we could write to each other by snail mail, but email is also fine. I am also interested in exchanging postcards, banknotes, coins and stamps.
My English is not good, whether it's oral or everyday expression. I am very interested in Russian and Japanese, but I don't understand them at all. If you want to learn Chinese, let me help you, don't be shy, talk to me。 I can talk to you about culture, history, hobbies, and more. I just use WeChat,Red Booklet or email, if you have it, we can use this to communicate Hope to be friends with you
He speaks :  French
He looks for :  German language exchange
Hi, my name is Alec! I want to learn more about other cultures and improve my German. I am a native French speaker who is also fluent in English. Eventually, I would like to (re)start learning Japanese and Inuktitut, and maybe learn other languages, like Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, or Icelandic. I like puzzles, music, science, traveling, and computers, but I enjoy talking about anything. Ridiculous subjects can turn into good conversations! I'm open to emails, chat, videocalls. Am Moment möchte ich aber mein Verständnis des gesprochenen Deutsch verbessern.
He speaks :  Korean
to meet you. I want to learn English and Japanese If you are interested in Korean, please send me an email
She speaks :  Japanese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello! I’m a Japanese student.I want to use English well.I can teach you Japanese. If it's email or other written correspondence, we'll also be looking for people who can speak German. We'd like to talk about each other's culture and more, not to mention language exchange. 英語が話せる、もしくは日本語が少しでも喋れる方であれば、英語、ドイツ語以外を使う方でも、交流したいと思っています。
He speaks :  Korean
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hi, i want to learn to you about english language. How i can contact to you? please send to my email. Please.. Please.. if you teach my english language, i am also share and teach in korean language. i am wait your email. see ya.
She speaks :  Japanese
我宅。喜欢动漫。找中国宅 我学习中文^ - ^我是日本人 喜欢中文 我爱好看动漫 我会一点中文 我去过中国 喜欢中国和中文 微信没有 喜欢中国人开玩笑中文 。喜欢中国喜欢中文 我爱好看动漫很喜欢动漫 我想闲着和中国人闲聊。我想闲聊。我还想说笑话。没有恶意的笑话。 我宅 找宅男女朋友 喜欢中文 台湾人中国人华人可以哦 我喜欢中国
He speaks :  Russian
Ciao, mi chiamo Vladimir, sono un consulente per gli investimenti con sede in Russia. Le lingue straniere sono sempre state uno dei miei hobby. Imparo l'italiano e posso aiutarti con il russo. La comunicazione e-mail è preferita. -- Hi, my name is Vladimir, I’m an investment advisor based in Russia. Foreign languages have always been one of my hobbies. I’m currently learning Italian and can help you with Russian. Email communication is preferred.
He speaks :  Arabic
Hello everyone ! 😊 My name is Jad and am 43 years old. I come from Morocco and am living in a city called Casablanca. I like learning foreign languages, making friends from around the world, watching TV, tennis, football, art, nature, animals, reading and writing emails... I own a diploma in hoteliery specifically on accommodation. I am using this site simply to search for penpals. I am looking for a language exchange with someone. I can help you to learn either Arabic or French and in return, i need help to practise my English with you. My English is not bad. Furthermore, I would also like to learn Swedish and Spanish.
She speaks :  German
Hey, my German name is Verena, but you can also call me 游晗. I'm a native German speaker, who is fluent in English, looking for someone to practice languages with. I'm mostly focusing on Chinese (Mandarin (simplified)) & my current level is around HSK4-5 / B1. My French is roughly at an A2 level. I also dabble in Korean and Swahili, but I am definitely putting more effort into Mandarin and French. I graduated from law school seven years ago (studied political science and law) and I'm now working full time. My hobbys are: reading (fiction (novels), non-fiction, sometimes poetry), listening to music (Indie, Alternative, Folk, Rock, Pop, Classical music, Jazz), painting/drawing (mostly aquarell), cooking (plant-based) and baking, playing the Ukulele/Piano (though not as much as I want to), jogging and going to the gym, watching dramas (I tell myself it's for language learning purposes...) and, of course, learning languages. I also developed a strong love for houseplants over the last couple of months and my apartment looks more and more like a small urban jungle. Please feel free to contact me, if you want to learn German and/or English and you are a native or fluent Mandarin Chinese speaker. xx (After being on this site for a while I guess the following truly is necessary (:D): I already have a boyfriend and I am _not_ looking for something other than a platonic relationship. I'm happy to make friends of any gender though. :) )
She speaks :  German
Hey, my German name is Verena, but you can also call me 游晗. I'm a native German speaker, who is fluent in English, looking for someone to practice languages with. I'm mostly focusing on Chinese (Mandarin (simplified)) & my current level is around HSK4-5 / B1. My French is roughly at an A2 level. I also dabble in Korean and Swahili, but I am definitely putting more effort into Mandarin and French. I graduated from law school seven years ago (studied political science and law) and I'm now working full time. My hobbys are: reading (fiction (novels), non-fiction, sometimes poetry), listening to music (Indie, Alternative, Folk, Rock, Pop, Classical music, Jazz), painting/drawing (mostly aquarell), cooking (plant-based) and baking, playing the Ukulele/Piano (though not as much as I want to), jogging and going to the gym, watching dramas (I tell myself it's for language learning purposes...) and, of course, learning languages. I also developed a strong love for houseplants over the last couple of months and my apartment looks more and more like a small urban jungle. Please feel free to contact me, if you want to learn German and/or English and you are a native or fluent Mandarin Chinese speaker. xx (After being on this site for a while I guess the following truly is necessary (:D): I already have a boyfriend and I am _not_ looking for something other than a platonic relationship. I'm happy to make friends of any gender though. :) )
She speaks :  Indonesian
Assalamu'alaikum 😃 Hi everyone 🖐, My name is Ade Wati and I'm from Lampung, Indonesia. I speak Bahasa Indonesia and a little bit English. I like watching cooking videos, reading, listening to Qur'an 🤍 recitation, going to nice places while having a mini camping with my family and I really like cats! Currently I'm learning English and hopefully later on I could move on to learn Arabic and Korean too, 'cos I really like those languages. I can teach you Bahasa Indonesia in exchange if you are interested, so I hope I can have a small talk and light conversation with native speakers soon. Feel free to message me and let's learn together. 😊
He speaks :  French
Hi everyone ! I'm Maxence, I'm a student in translation and interpreting in Brussels and I would like to practice and to level up my Chinese (I have an hsk3). I can offer exchanges in French and/or English since I'm fairly confortable in both languages. If that sounds nice to you send me an email
She speaks :  Chinese (Taiwanese)
大家好 我是容容 今年33歲,目前在努力學習日文和英文 一起互相交流語言吧! 今年想前往加拿大打工度假,希望可以找到教我英文的夥伴,我也可以教你中文。 我家裡有兩隻可愛的兔子🐰 (* ˊᗜˋ*) ノこんにちは 私はロンロンです。台北出身です 。 趣味は言語学習、旅行、本を読んむことです。 日本語勉強の時間は五年ぐらいです。 日本語 はもっと上達したいと思います。 台湾に遊びに来 るならぜひ連絡してください。 一緒に頑張りまし ょう。ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ“ よろしくお願いします 。 If you want to learn Chinese,I would love to teach you. We can learn everything to each other. My hobby is reading novels,watching movies,swimming and eating! Please feel free to send me email.☺️ I REALLY WANT TO LEARN JAPANESE! I am not a gold member. At recently, I want to practice my English. Because I want to go to CANADA for working holiday. I can teach you Chinese or chat in Japanese. Please help me improve my English. If you come to Taipei, I’d be happy to show you around.
She speaks :  Chinese (Mandarin)
Hello! My name is XU. I now live in Guangdong , China and currently study Japanese and English. If you are interested in Chinese, I ‘d like to do some help. Hoping we can become friends ! (全英交流对我来讲有点难😂所以希望是会讲一点汉语的伙伴~)こんにちは!キョヘイと申します。中国の広州に住んでいます。今は日本語と英語を勉強しています。日常生活の中で流暢に日本語を喋れるようになりたいです。もちろん私は中国語を教えることもできます。言語交換友達募集中です!友達になれたら嬉しいです。気軽にご連絡ください!
He speaks :  Korean
He looks for :  English language exchange
안녕하세요. 영어 닉네임은 tomas입니다. 한국에 살고 있어요. 영어를 공부할 언어 교환 파트너를 찾고 있어요. 대신에 한국어를 배울 수 있도록 도와 드리겠습니다. 메일로 연락주세요. my English nickname is Thomas. I'm living in Korea. I'm looking for a language exchange partner to study English. Instead, I will help you learn Korean. Please contact me by email.
Hi! I am Candice who has lived in Australia for more than 8 years. I am working in an Internet company in Sydney. I am looking for a language exchange partner who is a native speaker of English or/and French. In return, I would love to help you with your Chinese. I am a patient person who also can speak standard Mandarin without any accent. If you want to improve your Chinese and are willing to teach people English or/and French, please send me an email or add me on WeChat. I am a fluent English speaker and a beginner in French learning.
She speaks :  English
She looks for :  French language exchange
Looking for a regular email correspondence! Salut~ I'm Ivey, an avid art and culture enthusiast. Pretty tech savvy, spiritual and business oriented. Wanna do long form email exchanges? we each write about our life, struggles, topics of interest in our practicing language. no big commitments, no judgemnet, more like accountability buddies. ✨ Je m'appelle Ivey, un passionné d'art et de culture. Assez féru de technologie, orienté vers la spiritualité et les affaires. Vous souhaitez effectuer des échanges d'e-mails de longue durée ? nous écrivons chacun sur notre vie, nos luttes, nos sujets d'intérêt dans notre langue pratique. pas de gros engagements, pas de jugements; plutôt comme des copains responsables. 💫
She looks for :  Korean language exchange
I am a Turkish / Dutch citizens with English, Turkish, Dutch & Italian languages. I am a beginner on Korean which i study with a private teacher. I would like to connect and practice with native Koreans friends. Ofcourse I am happy to help with my languages to practice in return. We can do conversation practice on Zoom, Skype and / or whats app .
She speaks :  Vietnamese
Hello. My name is Linh. I come from to Viet Nam. I want to exchange language. I am learning korean. And I wanto Japanese and English. Nice to meet you. 앞으로 잘부탁드려요..내년에 한국에 가려고해요 Please contact with me by email