안녕하세요 저는 호주 시드니에서 대학을 다니는 학생입니다.
학교를 다니는데도 영어 말하기가 늘지 않아서 영어말하기를 도와줄 친구를 찾고있습니다.
HI, I'm studying at the university in Sydney
I am looking for someone who want to exchange language.
Also I can help you to improve korean language. my sister is korean language teacher in korea so i might be help you to study grammar as well.
Feel free to message me :)
학교를 다니는데도 영어 말하기가 늘지 않아서 영어말하기를 도와줄 친구를 찾고있습니다.
HI, I'm studying at the university in Sydney
I am looking for someone who want to exchange language.
Also I can help you to improve korean language. my sister is korean language teacher in korea so i might be help you to study grammar as well.
Feel free to message me :)
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