Hi! I'm Lisa. I'm a therapist and author here in sunny Queensland, Australia. I find people interesting and believe everyone has a story. I like to learn about other cultures.
I studied Japanese in high school and have recently taken it up again. I've been using Duolingo but need more opportunities to learn in a more natural context.
I am a beginner with speaking Japanese but know Hiragana & Katakana.
I enjoy movies, music, the outdoors, art, food, and trying new things.
I'd love to have the opportunity to exchange with others by chat, penpals, or in person. Happy to connect regardless of location. :)
I studied Japanese in high school and have recently taken it up again. I've been using Duolingo but need more opportunities to learn in a more natural context.
I am a beginner with speaking Japanese but know Hiragana & Katakana.
I enjoy movies, music, the outdoors, art, food, and trying new things.
I'd love to have the opportunity to exchange with others by chat, penpals, or in person. Happy to connect regardless of location. :)
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