She looks for : |
Spanish language exchange Arabic language exchange |
Hello, my name is Catina Bianca. I am a native German speaker and live in County Cork/Ireland for over 20 years now.
I am interested in learning a little (very basic) Spanish and Middle Eastern Arabic.
I have a small family here and am not too flexible and am pretty busy, but please send me a DM if you'd like to learn a little German or English in exchange to above mentioned languages. I can correct your English and/or German.
My hobbies are meeting people from different countries and cultures in person and/or online, photography, nature, knitting, reading, social media, church activities etc.
Please do not ask for help in matters of finances, visas or love. I cannot help you. Thank you.
PS: Sorry, but I have enough contacts at this stage and cannot even reply to everybody on here anymore. I also have enough Egyptian contacts. Shukran. Best wishes, Catina
She speaks : | Spanish |
She looks for : | English language exchange |
My name is Alex and I live in Dublin, in Ireland.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English.
I'd be happy to help you to learn Spanish in exchange.
He looks for : | German language exchange |
My name is Jesse and I live in Dublin, in Ireland.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study German.
I'd be happy to help you to learn English and Korean in exchange.
He speaks : | English |
He looks for : | Spanish language exchange |
Hi, Im James from Dublin Ireland.
Ive been practising Spanish at home for a few months, because I'm planning to move to BCN to do my masters this year. I'm hoping to practice Spanish with someone in exchange to help someone out with English :)
I'm working as a music teacher here in Ireland, about to do my Masters Degree in Jazz Guitar
She looks for : | French language exchange |
I am Sophie and I want to learn French. I was born in Cork, Ireland but I now live in Dublin with my mother. I would like to practice French, as I am hoping to study in France one day. My mother spent a lot of time in Japan when she was young so I am also completely fluent in Japanese. Message me and let's talk.
Hello, I am Tanushka. I live in Ireland. I am interested in learning the Japanese language and improving my French. I can help in return with English or Russian. I am a very creative person and have many hobbies. I am a designer in my everyday job. I love Art, Fashion, Chess, Sports, traveling, food, drawing, and much more. I am looking for French or Japanese-speaking language exchange friends. Hope to see you soon. Have a nice day!!!
He speaks : | English |
He looks for : |
French language exchange Polish language exchange Russian language exchange Ukrainian language exchange |
Looking forward to meeting some interesting lighthearted positive people for some polyglottic miscommunication. All the best from Ireland! :)
She looks for : | Italian language exchange |
My name is Alice. I am a teacher living in the West of Ireland. I fell in love with Italy on my first visit 20 years ago. I have been trying to learn Italian since that first visit. My learning has not been very consistent and I have decided to make a really good effort to improve it.
I feel my reading is good but my conversation is not good at all. I am at a lower intermediate level approximately. I would love to exchange English for Italian.
She looks for : | Italian language exchange |
My name is Alice. I am a teacher living in the West of Ireland. I fell in love with Italy on my first visit 20 years ago. I have been trying to learn Italian since that first visit. My learning has not been very consistent and I have decided to make a really good effort to improve it.
I feel my reading is good but my conversation is not good at all. I am at a lower intermediate level approximately. I would love to exchange English for Italian.
He looks for : | Spanish language exchange |
Hi I'm Dave.
I'm really interested in practicing my spanish with a native spanish speaker. I love football and athletics and am fascinated by the differences in culture that can be discovered through language.
I currently live in Ireland but I spent 12 years in Japan so I can help you with your Japanese or English, whichever you prefer.
Chat to you soon.
He speaks : | English |
He looks for : | Khmer language exchange |
Hello , I come from Ireland . I would like to chat with people in Cambodia and learn about the culture... I am thinking about moving to Cambodia . Would you like to practice English with me?
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She looks for : | English language exchange |
My name is You. I'm 19 years old and I live in Cork, in Ireland.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English.
I'd be happy to help you to learn Catalan and Spanish in exchange.
She speaks : | English |
She looks for : | Spanish language exchange |
My name is catherine and I live in in Ireland.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish.
I'd be happy to help you to learn English in exchange.
She speaks : | Arabic |
She looks for : | English language exchange |
My name is Bushra and I live in Dublin, in Ireland.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English.
I'd be happy to help you to learn Arabic in exchange.
She speaks : | Portuguese |
She looks for : | English language exchange |
My name is Leah and I live in Dublin, in Ireland.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English.
I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.
He speaks : | English |
He looks for : | Russian language exchange |
I am a native english speaker, Im currently learning russiand and I want to get better.
I can help you with english.
He speaks : | Irish |
He looks for : | Irish language exchange |
My name is Thomas and I live in in Ireland.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Irish.
I'd be happy to help you to learn Irish in exchange.
He speaks : | Spanish |
He looks for : | English language exchange |
My name is Alberto. I'm 20 years old and I live in Dublin, in Ireland.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English.
I'd be happy to help you to learn Spanish in exchange.