
Macau Language Exchange

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  3. 🇲🇴 Macau


She looks for :  English language exchange
learning is really nice get some help from native speaker.
Hello there, I'm Chinese-korean, just moved to Macau from Korea. I have 3 years teaching experience in Chinese and 1 year of teaching experience in Korean. My goal is to practice business English expressions, and basic conversations in French\ German or dutch or future travel . Feel free to text !
He speaks :  English
Hi, I'm João. I would like to learn Cantonese. I can teach you English or Portuguese. Cheers!
He looks for :  Japanese language exchange
はじめまして! Rui と申します、ポルトガル人です。 日本語と日本文化が大好きです。 日本語が上手になりたいです。もっと日本語を教えてください。🙏🏻 よろしくお願いします!
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hi, my native language is Mandarin and Cantonese, I would like to practice spoken English, if you are interested in learning my native language, please contact me.
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Xaviera and I live in Macau, in Macao. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Cantonese) and Chinese (Mandarin) in exchange.
She speaks :  Chinese (Mandarin)
She looks for :  English language exchange
I am a student in Macau and my major is psychology. I really want to improve my English, especially oral English~~ My native language is Chinese. I like music and sports.
HI this is Juliana, now i am currently learning the portuguese, i am native speaker of chinese, and also speak English very well, the best way to learn a language is try to have conversation with the native speakers.
He speaks :  Chinese (Cantonese)
日本語を自分で勉強しています、もっと日本語の知識を教えたる方がいますか。 よろしくお願いします。 It is really hard to speak English fluently, I am looking for some kind people around the world to help me with my spoken English. By the way, I am a Cantonese native speaker. If you want to use more Cantonese in your daily life, you are very welcome to find me! Eu falo só um pouco português. Eu tenho estudado isso por 1 ano. Vou continuar trabalhando nisso.
Hello , I am a 20 years old student from Macau, I want to practice portuguese with you , if you are interested in Cantonese and Hong Kong and canton culture ,please let me know.
He speaks :  English
I am a Canadian living and working in Macau in the casino/hospitality industry. I am very active and outgoing with a keen desire to learn more Mandarin. English is my native language and I am happy to help you learn.
Looking for language partner.. Kindly add me on below Nice to see you soon..
Looking for language partner for Korean and Japanese.. contact me on we(7)chat
He speaks :  Portuguese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Olá, obrigado por vir aqui. Fique a vontade em entrar em contato comigo. Sou estudante, bacharel em ciências econômicas, estou ansioso para aprender línguas e culturas estrangeiras.
He speaks :  Chinese (Mandarin)
Hello, My name is sam and I live in in Macao. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study German, English, Japanese and French. I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Mandarin) in exchange.