
Niigata Language Exchange

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  3. 🇯🇵 Niigata


She speaks :  Japanese
She looks for :  Spanish language exchange
Hola, Me llamo Yuri, trabajo en la universidad. Estudio español y también hablo inglés. Me gusta comunicarme con extranjeros. Si te gustaría intercambiar japonés y español, no dudes en escribirme.
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  Korean language exchange
学生のころ大学で少し韓国語を勉強して、また勉強再開しました。 韓国語を上達させたいです。気軽に韓国語の質問を受けてくれて、日本語ができる方、いるといいなと思い登録しました。母国語が日本語ですので、日本語学習のサポートできますよ。よろしくお願いします。 제가 학생 때 대학교에서 조금 한국어를 공부했어요. 다시 공부를 시작했어요. 한국어를 잘 하고 싶어요.
She speaks :  Japanese
Hi I’m Hina I’m looking for friends to talk with me I’m improving my English and French Je suis Hina! J’ètudie anglais et français~ I like drawing, art makeup! Reading book, listening music pops, raggaeton! Send me messages 😊
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
I am a Japanese working as an English teacher at a secondary school in Japan. I would like to make friends with people speaking English all over the world. I have been busy because I have three little children, but I want to make time to help each other learn the language we want to study. I love Japanese anime such as Kimetsu no Yaiba, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, and so on. So I can introduce you to some other Japanese anime which is not known in foreign countries other than Japan. I teach English to Japanese junior high and high school students (the range of the age is from 13 to 18) . So if you are interested in communicating with Japanese students, I am pleased to connect you with them. Thank you.
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
こんにちは!17歳の日本人です! 英語学びたい方初心者ですがいっしょにまなびましょう!  よろしくお願いします!
He speaks :  Japanese
Konnichiha- Hi,Hola,Everyone. Im KOHEI 34years old man. I living NIIGATA in Japan and working travel campany now. I like movie, and novels, also snowboarding. Im interested in English,Spanish,Korean language. So if you like, please contacet me anytime. Don't be shy.
She speaks :  Japanese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is 神田あやか and I live in Niigata, in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello! I live in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. I am Kou. My native language is Japanese. I am studying so that I can speak English. I hope you can learn together with Skype! Since I graduated from an education university, I can teach Japanese in exchange. I'm not so good at speaking English yet, so I'm looking for pen pal. Thank you. こんにちは! 日本の新潟県に在住しています。コウと申します。 母国語は日本語です。英語を話せるように勉強中です。スカイプで共に学べるといいですね! 教育大学を卒業しているので、日本語も交換で教えることができます。 まだ、それほど英語がしゃべれるわけではありませんので、ペンパルも募集中です。
She speaks :  Japanese
Hello, My name is Yuko and I live in Niigata, in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
i'm 21years old. i'm university student. i'd like to learn English.
He speaks :  Japanese
Hi, nice to meet you! My name is kou. I live in Japan. I would like to travel to the United States and China someday. I would be glad if I could make friends overseas and learn languages. 初めまして!私の名前はkouです。日本に住んでいます。 いつかアメリカや中国に旅行に行きたいと思っています。 海外のお友達を作って言語学習できたら嬉しいです。
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is ryo and I live in Niigata, in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
I'm Yoichi and 31. I'm learning English, especially speaking. Let's talk in English and Japanese!!
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
I'm 30years old native Japanese guy.I live in Niigata city nishi ward. I'm a fan of swimming, stretching (can do splits!), workout(ive recently began),programming(python, c,vba,etc),electrical projects(analog circuit, arduino, raspberrypi), essential oils and cooking. I want to improve my English, my TOEICscore is 800 atm. Need 900 or more. If you teach me English I'll do the same with Japanese. Thank you in advance.
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
私は日本の大学生です。今英語を勉強しています。スカイプを使って会話をしたいです。日本語を教えることはできると思います。EDM hip-hopなどの音楽が好きです!気軽にメッセージをください! I'm a japanese university student. Now, I'm studying English! I wanna talk with Skype. I think I can teach Japanese. I love Electronic Dance Music and Hip-Hop!! Feel free to send me messages!!
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
I am studying English in Japan. I take English conversation class once a week. But I feel difficulties in studying English because I don’t have enough chance to use English in my life. So I would like to talk with someone in English. Also I would be happy to help you to learn Japanese. I enjoy motorcycles, travel abroad and leather works. Please contact me!
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
HI! I practice English. USA friends 2018 June meet. I'd like to study English. Listening I weak point. meny Shall we talking! !
He looks for :  Japanese language exchange
Hi, I am Reyma Sakurai and i'm half japanese. I am currently residing in gunma for work and practicing nihonggo. My hobby includes some sports like basketball and plastic model making! I'm hoping to make a few good friends! :)
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is 智成. I'm 26 years old and I live in Niigata, in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
皆さんこんにちは♪ 私は日本生まれ日本育ちの27歳の男です! 主に日本語を使います! 今は英語を学習中ですがほぼ使うことができないと思ってくれて構わないです! 日本語を覚えたい人がいれば積極的に教えたいと思っています! 趣味は料理やバスケットボール、マンガ、アニメ、などですね 趣味の合う友達も欲しいので気軽に連絡して下さい♪ I am interested in foreign cultures and languages. I want to make friends with people who want to learn Japanese! If you would like to call or email in Japanese please contact me ♪