She speaks : | Japanese |
She looks for : | English language exchange |
Hello, I would like to improve my English.
I want to acquire natural speaking ability.
I can teach you Japanese. Feel free to contact me.
She speaks : | Japanese |
She looks for : |
Korean language exchange English language exchange |
He speaks : | Japanese |
He looks for : | English language exchange |
My name is Kazuma.
41 years old, married and have two children. 7 years old son, 2 years old daughter.
I would like to visit many countries with my family.
So, that is one of the reason I need to improve my English skills.
I used to have free time 9:00 - 9:30 & 12:30 - 13:00 on weekdays, and sometime on weekends, in Japan time.
So if you can be my language exchange partner, I will be very happy.
He speaks : | Portuguese |
I was born and raised in Santos, Brazil. I lived in the USA for 7 years, in Tokyo for 3 years and just moved to Nagasaki with my wife and children. I would love to practice more Japanese whether you are Japanese or not. Want to practice English, Spanish or Portuguese? Would you like to be a language learning partner? Let me know!
ブラジルのサントス市に生まれ。アメリカのシカゴエリアに6年間住みました(妻はアメリカ生まれ)。新宿の日本語学校で勉強しましたが日常に使う日本語を習いたいと思います。英語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語を練習しませんか? よろしくお願いします!
He speaks : | Japanese |
Hello my name is Ren and from Nagasaki Japan. I’m a studying German and some language at the university. Actually I can speak German than English because my major is German and I lived in Germany few months. I’m interested in Polynesian language and just started to learn Samoan. I hope I can meet some people here! I can help you to learn Japanese:)
Hallo ich bin Ren und 22 Jahre alt. Zurzeit wohne ich in Nagasaki Japan aber bis zum März habe ich in Deutschland gewohnt, um Deutsch zu lernen. Seitdem ich nach Japan zurückgekehrt bin habe ich keine Gelegenheit mit Deutsche zu sprechen. Deswegen möchte ich hier einen/ eine Tandem Partner/in finden. Ich kann dir helfen Japanisch zu lernen. Wir können uns vielleicht gegenseitig helfen!
He looks for : | Japanese language exchange |
My name is Amr, Studying master course at Nagasaki University, I have been living in Japan for one year now. I have been studying Japanese for one year but without real practice. I don't believe that learning a language from books only is the ideal method.
I would like to speak with native Japanese about any topic. I can help with English :))
He speaks : | Japanese |
He looks for : | English language exchange |
My name is Daichi.
I live in Nagasaki, japan.(ぐんかんじま military islands? and カステラ castella? are famous.)
I'm studying English because I want to travel abroad and make friends with.
I can speak Japanese, if anyone can speak English, let's study it together.
He speaks : | Japanese |
He looks for : |
German language exchange English language exchange |
Im 25 y.o,med student in Japan!
He speaks : | Japanese |
He looks for : | English language exchange |
My name is koji matsuo and I live in Nagasaki, in Japan.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English.
I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
He looks for : | Japanese language exchange |
My name is Diego and I live in Nagasaki, in Japan.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese.
I'd be happy to help you to learn English, Spanish and Italian in exchange.