
Bergamo Language Exchange

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  3. 🇮🇹 Bergamo


He speaks :  Italian
He looks for :  Spanish language exchange
Hi, I'm looking for a Spanish mothertongue to learn Spanish, I can teach some Italian and English as well. :-)
He speaks :  English
I'm looking for someone to do an English-Italian or English-French language exchange. I am quite fluent in both languages so just want to chat, make friends, have a laugh.
He speaks :  Spanish
Ciao, mi presento, mi chiamo Isaac e attualmente vivo a Bergamo da circa 4 anni, sono all'Università e sto studiando una laurea , mi sono iscritto qui perché vorrei poter migliorare la mia pronuncia nelle lingue che ho scelto nel mio profilo, e anche per uscire e girare un po' 😁😁
She speaks :  Italian
Ciao a tutti! Sono Olga. Io abito in Italia da 10 anni ma sono russa di origine. Sono sposata e ho 2 figli. Mi piacerebbe migliorare il mio inglese e studiare il francese. Ho già avuta un'esperienza di insegnare l'italiano per ragazzi e bambini. Ho anche tutti i materiali necessari per poter studiare l'italiano. Non cerco le relazioni.
He speaks :  Italian
He looks for :  Guarani language exchange
I am seeking to practise German.
He speaks :  Italian
Hi, I started to study Croatian last summer because I love balkanic places. Now I think it’s the time to talk with someone and improve the language. I’m a musician and I teach music in the school with children of every age. I live near Bergamo, in the northern Italy.
He speaks :  Italian
He looks for :  German language exchange
Hello everyone, I am Nicola. I am a 23-year-old Italian guy. I am here to practice my German and to find someone interested in improving their Italian. I attend the University of Foreign Languages and Literature, where I took an exam on foreign language teaching. I am friendly, polite, and available to meet all your needs. I look forward to helping you learn my wonderful mother tongue. Together with me you can find out more about Italian culture and tell me something about the German world. Your language has always fascinated me, but so far I have never had the opportunity to practice it intensively. So if you are German, Austrian, or Swiss, please do not hesitate to contact me.
She speaks :  Portuguese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Daniela Conceição. I'm 28 years old and I live in Bergamo, in Italy. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Portuguese in exchange.
She speaks :  Italian
She looks for :  English language exchange
hi! Im 16 and i am looking for friends to improve my english. If you’d like, i will teach you some italian in exchange :) I love writing, playing videogames and travelling. Feel free to dm me, even on instagram if you prefer
She speaks :  English
Hi, I’m Sharon and I’m 22. I love languages and cultures (especially Korean) I’d like someone to pratice with and if you want to learn English or Italian I can be of help. Add me on KakaoTalk.
He speaks :  Arabic
He looks for :  Italian language exchange
Hello, My name is Abdelrahman. I'm 25 years old and I live in Bergamo, in Italy. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Italian. I'd be happy to help you to learn Arabic in exchange.
He speaks :  Italian
Hi! I'm just an Italian guy who wanna learn some about Gaelic and Norse languages. I can teach you some Italian without problems!
He speaks :  English
Software developer, soon-to-be-father, avid RPG gamer
He speaks :  Russian
He looks for :  Italian language exchange
Меня зовут Владимир. Я пенсионер. Проживаю в Италии, недалеко от города Бергамо. Мой родной язык русский, изучаю итальянский язык на уровне общения. В России проживал в основном в Санкт - Петербурге, но по роду своей работы жил на Камчатке, Дальнем Востоке, Новосибирске, Москве, Нижнем Новгороде и др. Последние 5 лет проживаю в Италии вместе со своей семьёй. Жена и сын русские, владеют итальянским, английским языками. Мне очень хочется разговаривать и понимать итальянский язык, но получается у меня не очень хорошо. Мало практике. Знаю хорошо Санкт-Петербург, есть небольшие познания в истории России, географии, ядерной физики, подводном флоте, увлекался музыкой, театром, люблю путешествовать. Сейчас в основном занимаюсь воспитанием сына, который учится в 3 классе International School a Bergamo. Имею свой дом, люблю животных.
He speaks :  Italian
Hello, my name is Manuel and I'm a practitioner of Kendo and Shiatsu teacher in Italy,my school is Zentao international Academy asd/aps you can find it in Internet, I was in Japan a few years ago and I shot many places in Shikansen, needless to say I love your country and now I would like to come back but with someone from the place he shares or be interested either in Italy in general or even these two disciplines that I teach. I speak English and Spanish quite well but I would like to find someone who, besides talking a little Italian, wants to improve it, and I can learn something in Japanese. In case we get along I could come to Japan both to travel the country together and to learn more about the disciplines I teach, in short, I would like to meet a person who would become a bridge between Italy and Japan for me! Write me without problems !! I will answer you definitely, I wait for you! A hug from Italy!
She speaks :  Italian
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Claudia and I live in Bergamo, in Italy. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Italian in exchange.