
Clermont-Ferrand Language Exchange

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  3. 🇫🇷 Clermont-Ferrand


She speaks :  English
She looks for :  Japanese language exchange
She speaks :  French
Bonjour à vous qui voulez améliorer votre français ! Je vous aiderai avec plaisir. Je m'appelle Aline. Je vis en France. J'aime voyager, échanger, apprendre. Je suis musicienne. De mon côté, je souhaite progresser en russe pour être capable de converser plus librement. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer ! Меня зовут Алина, я француженка. Хочу подтянуть свой уровень русского языка, чтобы разговаривать свободнее. А взамен, буду рада Вам помочь с изучением языков, особенно французского, но и тоже английского. Живу во Франции. Раньше работала переводчицей, а теперь занимаюсь музыкой. Всего доброго!
He speaks :  French
He looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Jérémy. I'm 26 years old and I live in Clermont-Ferrand, in France. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn French in exchange.
She speaks :  French
Hi, I'm Valérie. I'm looking for a language exchange partner in japanese and english to practice and improve my skills. I like drawing, traveling, listening to music and so on.
She speaks :  Chinese (Mandarin)
She looks for :  French language exchange
Hi guys. Je suis Linn et j'habite en France. Je travaille en Anglais pour presque 10 ans donc mon français et toujours nul. J'ai besoin de vos aides~~ Enchantée d'avance. Je vous attends.
She speaks :  Spanish
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Maëlys and I live in Clermont-Ferrand, in France. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Spanish and French in exchange.
She speaks :  Spanish
Hi my Name is Laura and i am 15 years Old (16 in january ^^) i want to find a korean partner because i want to discover the culture and the language it Is very different from mine and it is very exciting. I am an outgoing Person who likes joking with friends. I want to make a real friendship with this Person. I Can also help for french or spanish or English of course. Thank You
She speaks :  French
She looks for :  Japanese language exchange
Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Marine et je suis française. 日本語を大学で三年間勉強して、これから自分で勉強し続けたいです。だから、日本人の 友達がもっと欲しいです。 よければ、日本語とフランス語をお互いに勉強しましょうか。 Although I'm studying Japanese, I also want to be able to speak Chinese one day. So if someone can teach me Chinese too ill be very happy and grateful. I can help you with French too of course !
He speaks :  English
Je suis britannique et j'habite près Clermont-Ferrand. J'ai besoin d'améliorer mon niveau de français pour mon travail et donc je cherche quelqu'un avec qui je peux le pratiquer. Cześć ! Jestem anglikiem a mieszkam i pracowam we Francji. Naprawdę chciałbym się uczyć język polski ponieważ bardzo lubię spędzić wakacje w Polsce.
He speaks :  French
Hi ! My name is Théo , I was born to Riga 21 years ago and today I live in France ! I'm here to talk with new people in english , from any country ! I love discovered new cultures and meet some new people , I love travel and sport too ! As a french I don't speak english perfectly excuse me ^^ I would like to learn german and russian too !
He speaks :  English
Je suis britannique et j'habite près Clermont-Ferrand. J'ai besoin d'améliorer mon niveau de français pour mon travail et donc je cherche quelqu'un avec qui je peux le pratiquer. Cześć ! Jestem anglikiem a mieszkam i pracowam we Francji. Naprawdę chciałbym się uczyć język polski ponieważ bardzo lubię spędzić wakacje w Polsce.
He speaks :  French
Hi ! My name is Théo , I was born to Riga 21 years ago and today I live in France ! I'm here to talk with new people in english , from any country ! I love discovered new cultures and meet some new people , I love travel and sport too ! As a french I don't speak english perfectly excuse me ^^ I would like to learn german and russian too !