
沖縄 Language Exchange

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  3. 沖縄


She speaks :  Japanese
私は、台湾語を勉強始めて半年たちますが、会話をする機会がないので上達しません。 現在は注音を覚えてるのと、声調があることがわかってきたレベルです。 ㄅㄆㄇㄈで会話をしてくれる方を探してます。 まずは、注音をすらすら読めるようになりたいです。 日本語も教えるのが、好きなので、言語交換したいと思っています、よければ私と友達になってください。 開始學台語已經6個月了 我沒有機會交談,所以很難改進 我 想 朋友😄
He speaks :  Chinese (Mandarin)
He looks for :  Japanese language exchange
She speaks :  Japanese
She looks for :  Korean language exchange
私は、日本人です!! 全く韓国語できないです。 先月初めて韓国に旅行で行きましたが話せないし何も分からないので困りました。 女性の方と友達になり色々な情報交換などしたいと思ってます(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)宜しくお願いします
She speaks :  Japanese
She looks for :  Korean language exchange
韓国旅行でコミュニケーションをとれるようになりたくて韓国語を勉強する事にしました。全然韓国語できません。ハングル文字もまだ覚えていません。韓国語を教えてくれる人を探しています。友達のような関係でもOK、先生と生徒でも大丈夫です!仲良くしてください☺️ 沖縄在住。28歳。主婦。
He looks for :  Japanese language exchange
こんにちは、 ロンと申します。日本語を自学しています。広東語、英語と中国語を教えることができます。よろしくお願いします。 Hi my name is Long! I've been learning Japanese by myself and would like to improve by daily conversation, knowing what words or phrases are used normally. In exchange, my native language is Cantonese and I can speak English and Mandarin fluently. Please feel free to talk about anything!
She speaks :  English
She looks for :  French language exchange
Hello, My name is リカ and I live in in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study French. I'd be happy to help you to learn English and Japanese in exchange.
She speaks :  Japanese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hi. My name is Fumi . I'm studying English to communicate with people in all of the world. If you want to learn Japanese , I can help you . We can help each other and let's achive our goals.
She speaks :  Japanese
She looks for :  English language exchange
Hello, My name is Nanako. I'm 27 years old and I live in in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
She speaks :  Japanese
Hello, My name is 平良雅美 and I live in in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English and Chinese (Taiwanese). I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
She speaks :  Japanese
初めまして☆沖縄で中国語を学んでいるMinakoです:) 中華圏の方の女性と言語交換がしたいです! 我是在沖繩學中文!! 如果有人在沖繩工作,留學的話,跟我交朋友吧:) 我想跟你一起邊玩邊學:)
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  Italian language exchange
イタリア料理をしています‼️ イタリア語の勉強と文化について教えたくれるお友達が欲しいです(^^) Sono un cuoco. Voglio un amico che mi abbia insegnato a studiare l'italiano e la cultura. Invece io posso aiutare il giapponese.
She speaks :  Japanese
Hello, I am Yumi. I have been fascinated to expand my points of view, and looking for some friends who can exchange the different backgrounds(language, culture and so on!). Now, I am studying English for University in Estonia 🇪🇪, then I would like to improve my English skill via the real communication. In return, I can help your Japanese as well. Just to say hello 👋🏻 easily! Peace ✌️
She speaks :  Japanese
She looks for :  English language exchange
初めまして!沖縄から来ましたKaoriです。Language Exchange Partnerがほしくて登録しました。英語力は初級寄りの中級です。よろしくお願いします。 Nice to meet you. I'm Kaori. Let's study English and Japanese together!
He speaks :  Japanese
天久裕介(あめくゆうすけ)といいます。Want to improve English andmy rusted Spanish :-( Interested in Jazz and Vossanova music. Myself play trumpet. want to learn English/Spanish/Portuguese songs in exchange J songs for you!
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
英語教えて下さい。趣味はダイビング、写真、山登りです。 旅行も好きです。世界の海でダイビングしました。 英語でコミュニケーションがとれるになりたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Nice to meet you. I'm Yuuki. I live on a southern island of Japan. My hobbies are taking pictures, diving and climbing mountains. I like nature and travel. I went to Bali for Happy New Year. Please show me beautiful pictures of your country. Please tell me about your hobbies, travels, and delicious food of your country.
He speaks :  Japanese
He looks for :  English language exchange
I am looking for a foreigner who can speak Japanese Do you speak Japanese? Let's talk in Japanese by all means I want to know various countries but I can not speak English at all, can you help me?
He speaks :  Chinese (Mandarin)
Hi! I'm from Taiwan, currently living and working in Okinawa, Japan. I was born in the US, and I have been in Japan for more than 5 years, so I can speak conversational Japanese and English, but I still need improvement on both. In return, I can teach you Chinese! And rather than simplified Chinese, I use traditional Chinese! It's harder to write, so that's probably not a plus hahaha. Or, if you are a beginner in Japanese or English, maybe I am able to help! こんにちは! 台湾出身で、現在沖縄在住です。アメリカ生まれで、日本に来て5年以上経ったので、ある程度英語と日本語はできますが、まだまだと思っています。 代わりに、中国語を教えます!簡体字ではなく、繁体字のほうです!より難しいので、もしかしてメリットじゃないかも(笑) それとも、日本語や英語の初心者でも、私なら少し教えることができるかもしれません! それでは、よろしくお願いします!